organisation – Open Knowledge Danmark Fri, 13 Dec 2019 09:00:41 +0000 en-US hourly 1 114358919 In Copenhagen: Open Knowledge Founder on An Open Information Age Wed, 16 Nov 2016 14:27:42 +0000 Open Knowledge founder Rufus Pollock is in Copenhagen and will give an inspiring talk titled an Open Information Age.

Open for all. No admission fee. The talk will be in English.

Facebook-event here (if you don’t use Facebook, you can register for the event by sending us a tweet, an email or just comment below).

Place: DSSL (Digital Social Science Lab) at Det Samfundsvidenskabelige Fakultetsbibliotek (Gothersgade 140).

Time and date: Wednesday 23th November, 17.00-19.00.


An Open Information Age

How can we can build an open information age? And why should we do it? Find out with Dr Rufus Pollock, a leading global expert on digital policy, openness and innovation.

  • Future of work: will robots take all the jobs – and should we care?
  • Freedom: how to preserve freedom in a world of Googles and Facebooks who have the power to shape how we think and act?
  • Inequality: concerned about growing inequality and the digital divide?
  • Innovation: how can we harness the full power of digital tech for innovation and creativity?
  • Want to build an economy and society fit for the information age?

Open information is the biggest policy opportunity of the 21st century with answers for all of these questions. Openness is central not only to creating a more innovative and transparent society but to creating one which is fair, free, healthy and wealthy

Photo by Open Knowledge CC-SAAbout Dr Rufus Pollock
Dr Rufus Pollock is an adviser on digital policy and openness to governments and organizations around the world. He has worked extensively as a researcher, entrepreneur and technologist on how we can build the best possible digital age — inclusive, innovative and open.

He is the President and Founder of Open Knowledge, an international non-profit organization using advocacy and technology to empower people with access to information and the capacity to use it. A pioneer in the rapidly developing area of digital policy, he has made Open Knowledge into one of the leading “think/do tanks” of the twenty-first century.

In addition to Open Knowledge, he has been involved in many other organizations such as Creative Commons, FFII and the Open Rights Group. He was previously the Mead Fellow in Economics at the University of Cambridge, where he remains an Associate of the Centre for Information and Intellectual Property Law. In 2010 he was appointed to a $1m three-year Shuttleworth Foundation Fellowship, and in 2012 he was elected an Ashoka Fellow.


If you want to help with planning or anything else related to the event, just ping us at our mailinglist.

Open Knowledge Danmark 1 år Mon, 06 Oct 2014 13:41:34 +0000 MbEIe60QOpen Knowledge Danmark blev officielt etableret for cirka et år siden af en lille gruppe frivillige. I det år der er gået, har vi stået bag en række arrangementer: en valgdata-fest, workshop om det europæiske patentsystem, en filmfremvisning, en dataekspedition om privacy-spørgsmål, Open Data Day 2014 og en dataspurt omhandlende Finansloven for blot at nævne nogle. Desuden har vi indgivet høringssvar og deltaget aktivt på blandt andet Open Gov Camp, Free Bassel day og den store Open Knowledge Festival i Berlin.

Vi har i dag 320+ følgere på Twitter, 90+ likes på Facebook og ca. 55 personer på vores mailingliste. Hvis du har lyst til at være med eller blot følge lidt med i hvad vi laver, så følg os her på bloggen eller på dit foretrukne sociale medie og meld dig til vores mailingliste (nederst her på siden).

Internationalt er Open Knowledge repræsenteret i mere end 50 lande og har formået at forbinde og facilcitere en underskov af personer og netværk, der beskæftiger sig med åben data, åben science, åben kulturarv, åben økonomi, åben uddannelse og åben alt-muligt-andet.

Open Knowledge Danmark er meget interesseret i at tage hul på nye emner, og eksempelvis har vi her i efteråret taget hul på Open Access området i form af et meetup og kigget lidt på Folketingets nye API. Hvis du brænder for dette eller andre specifikke emner, som vi ikke har berørt endnu, så skyd os en mail eller skriv til os på Twitter eller Facebook.

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